Townhomes for Sale in Brookswood

Unfortunately Brookswood has little to no townhome inventory built. Brookswood is almost exclusively a single family home neighbourhood. If you are looking specifically for a townhome, with a Brookswood neighbourhood feel, we suggest looking at the south areas of the City of Langley, near Nicomekl River and trails, as well as Sendall Gardens. These neighbourhoods have a similar feel to Brookswood but have more townhomes available. 

Brookswood as a neighbourhood is continually changing. You can see the Township of Langley's draft plan for Brookswood (which contains plans for future townhomes) by clicking on the link provided. 

Get In Touch

Tyler Van Vliet

Mobile: 604-834-0789


Office Info

Remax Treeland Realty

#101 - 6337 198th Street  Langley,  BC  V2Y 2E3 

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